Brooklyn entrepreneur expands Baddie Glow business, will take part in 'Shark Week' pitch contest
A Brooklyn entrepreneur has taken time at home caring for her son to expand her horizons during the coronavirus pandemic. 
Jessica Walker is the founder of Baddie Glow. The last time News 12 caught up with Walker, she had just started the business. 
Now, she says she has expanded the business and started up six more. Later this month, Walker is set to participate in a "Shark Tank" pitch contest. 
“I was cooking out in the kitchen. I remember I had all of my stuff in the kitchen all behind the couch. It was crazy,” said Walker. 
“From tea company to spiritual jewelry, to protect your energy, book clubs for women--to help motivate them every Sunday, to helping do webinars for startup businesses it's been wild,” said Walker. 
She says it’s all about self-love. "I decided listen, my people need me; the world needs me, and I want to help not only promote self-love self-worth, but self-care and soul care and it's been magical. It has been easy because that's what I love,” said Walker.

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