Bronx man accused of molesting disabled teen at school

A Bronx man is accused of sexually abusing a disabled teenage girl inside a school. Police say a witness reported 51-year-old Yakubu Abdulazeez sexually abusing the 14-year-old inside the Christopher

News 12 Staff

Apr 13, 2016, 4:12 PM

Updated 3,069 days ago


A Bronx man is accused of sexually abusing a disabled teenage girl inside a school.
Police say a witness reported 51-year-old Yakubu Abdulazeez sexually abusing the 14-year-old inside the Christopher School on East 229th Street. 
Abdulazeez was arrested Monday morning, according to police.
He now faces charges of sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child and other charges.
He is due back in court in May.