Candlelight vigil held for Bronx teen killed 2 days after graduating high school

Loved ones came together Wednesday to mourn and celebrate the life of Brandon Hendricks, whose life was cut short days after graduating high school.

News 12 Staff

Jul 2, 2020, 1:51 AM

Updated 1,528 days ago


Loved ones came together Wednesday to mourn and celebrate the life of Brandon Hendricks, whose life was cut short days after graduating high school. 
"Brandon was a friend of mine from the basketball world. So I just wanted to do something to honor him. And bring the people together just honor his name,” said Nicholas Padilla, Hendricks’ friend. 
The 17-year-old basketball star was gunned down Sunday night, just two days after graduating from James Monroe High School. 
The candlelight vigil took place days shy of what would have been his 18th birthday. 
Many of Hendricks’ friends say having the vigil on a basketball court is the perfect way to honor the basketball star with a promising future.