Online service connects students with virtual tutors during stay-at-home order

An online service is helping New York City students keep up with their studies while they’re out of the classroom due to the coronavirus pandemic.

News 12 Staff

Apr 17, 2020, 8:24 PM

Updated 1,604 days ago


The online service ‘Edumate NYC’ matches undergraduate and graduate students with kindergartners through 12th graders at city schools for free virtual tutoring sessions. 
They’re connected based on needs and abilities. 
When the coronavirus pandemic sent Harvard University sophomore Ilana Cohen home to Park Slope, she set out to help current students who are adjusting to remote learning. 
“We've had hundreds of responses from volunteer tutors, most of whom we've matched by now with students,” said Cohen. 
“We largely leave it to tutors to figure out with their students when works best for both of them, but generally tutors and students are at least meeting for one-hourlong sessions every week virtually by whatever platform they feel most comfortable using,” said Cohen. 
Cohen says that as interest grows, she and her team of core coordinators will explore expanding throughout the state and potentially around the country.