South Bronx school gets its own broadcast studio

The South Bronx Academy for Applied Media has brought in a broadcast studio as part of a decade-long plan from the school’s principal.

News 12 Staff

Oct 12, 2022, 2:24 AM

Updated 696 days ago


The South Bronx Academy for Applied Media has brought in a broadcast studio as part of a decade-long plan from the school’s principal.  
The new studio opened at the beginning of the school year, and a news team of students anchor, report, and run a real-life TV studio as part of their school day.  
Students experience the same butterflies pre-broadcast that any TV news anchor or reporter may get, and the passion from the students is palpable.  
“The camera is just, like, my thing,” said student Christ Villalona.  
The principal says she plans to invite other students from different school to use the broadcast studio as well.