The discussion around the Bronx Bus Network Redesign continued Thursday, as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority gained perspective from the community before a final decision is made.
The MTA says the redesign will make service faster and more reliable in the Bronx, but many residents disagree. The public hearing is meant to roundup final comments from the community on local, limited and select bus service.
The MTA adds that the bus system in the Bronx hasn't seen a significant change in decades, despite big growth since 2010. The transit authority says these changes will make the routes more direct, improve service from east to west and expand connectivity.
Disabled and elderly individuals that were in attendance claim the proposed changes did not take them into consideration. Commuters who make their way into Manhattan every day echoed similar concerns.
"I work down by the World Trade Center and the route that I take is the fastest and most convenient, and this new proposed route will not give me access," said commuter Juliet Lindsay.
If this proposed final plan is approved by the MTA board, they hope to implement these changes by this fall.
Changes to express service have been postponed, with those proposals set to be released later this year.