A Bay Ridge first grader is spreading joy during these tough times by reading to kids stuck at home because of COVID-19.
Bryan Rumfelt, 7, has been hosting read-alouds on social media under the name
Bryan's Corner.
Rumfelt loves reading and enjoys story time, so he decided to give kids what they might be missing out on since schools and libraries were closed.
Rumfelt and his mom were not sure if it would take off. Then dozens of people checked out Bryan's Corner and began to praise his efforts. People commented that he did an amazing job and how it made them happy.
This is not the first time that Rumfelt has taken an interest in an important cause. In 2017, he raised money for victims of Hurricane Harvey and donated the proceeds to charities to help kids.
Rumfelt's advice to other kids is "start by being kind." He says he wants people to be happy and doesn't want anyone else to get COVID-19.