Fordham student recants story of sex assault

The purported victim has recanted her story of being sexually assaulted over the weekend near Fordham University. The 19-year-old Fordham student had told school officials that she was walking home

News 12 Staff

Sep 30, 2015, 6:01 AM

Updated 3,312 days ago


The purported victim has recanted her story of being sexually assaulted over the weekend near Fordham University.
The 19-year-old Fordham student had told school officials that she was walking home from school Saturday night when she was assaulted in an alley off of East Fordham Road.
The university sent an email about the incident as it was originally reported to students, faculty and staff Sunday, and its Department of Public Safety was working with the NYPD's Special Victims Unit on the investigation.
The school also deployed crews to install brighter lights at the parking lot and alley where the alleged assault took place.