Residents near Dawson Street and Intervale Avenue in Longwood say a new traffic circle is posing a safety risk after a cement truck backed onto the sidewalk and left a hole in the concrete.
The Department of Transportation says the new traffic circle on Intervale Avenue was designed to make the area safer, but pedestrians and motorists say it's actually made things worse.
Neighbors fear that someone will get injured on the damaged sidewalk, and have made numerous requests to have it fixed. Two months later, the hole is still there.
"We've complained and nobody has come to repair it. I keep putting a cone there because people get out of their cars at night and step in it, they don't even know it's there," says Jose Rosario, of Longwood.
News 12 previously reported that the new traffic patterns have confused drivers in the area, leading to wrong-way turns and other road-safety issues.