Some merchants say they're faced with uprooting and leaving an area they've known for a long time because of Jerome Avenue rezoning.
The Jerome Avenue plan for revitalization is aimed at bringing new, affordable housing units into the area -- and many of what are currently industrial buildings could change to residential.
The City Council passed the proposal in March, and some landlords are now selling their properties to developers, forcing auto shops in the area to leave.
A total of $1.5 million was set aside to help businesses relocate. But the owners of five separate auto shops who gathered on Wednesday say that money divided among all of the affected businesses is simply not adequate.
A spokesperson for the Department of City Planning said in a statement, "The city will proactively ensure that every resource that businesses in need are entitled to is provided. In fact, an SBS mobile van will be on site next week."
Business owners are describing any relocation funding the city is offering as a one-size-fits-all plan. They gripe that some businesses are just not getting the funding they need to move and survive. Merchants are calling for the city to protect them.
The rezoning of the more than 2-mile stretch is expected to be completed by 2026.