Lawmakers have proposed new regulations in the wake of the New York City Housing Authority lead paint scandal.
Members of the Independent Democratic Conference compared the plight of NYCHA tenants to that of the residents in Flint, Michigan, where lead contaminated the water supply. Senior NYCHA staff members came under fire recently for falsifying lead inspection certifications.
News 12 reached out to NYCHA, but was deferred to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Officials at the Department of Health say Members of the Independent Democratic Conference are playing politics with public health. They say comparing New York, an area that is a national success story in reducing lead exposure, to Flint is alarmist and wrong.
The members of the Independent Democratic Conference put several proposals on the table, including requiring an independent monitor for NYCHA buildings, opening up 311 lines to NYCHA complaints and incentivizing private developers to repair NYCHA buildings in exchange for zoning benefits.