Morris Heights family, Millennium Dance Company team up for toy drive

Greg and Cheryl Clarke, who are marriage specialists, wanted to give back to their hometown Saturday by partnering with the Millennium Dance Company in the Bronx.

News 12 Staff

Dec 21, 2019, 6:16 PM

Updated 1,679 days ago


A Morris Heights family partnered with Millennium Dance Company Saturday to spread Christmas cheer with a toy drive.
Greg and Cheryl Clarke, along with their six children, hosted the drive at the Davidson Community Center.
The marriage specialists handed out more than 100 gifts to students of the dance company.
Greg is also a teacher in the Bronx, and he and Cheryl own Forever Young Day Care. They used their own money along with fundraising to buy the gifts.
They say wanted to pay it forward and help families who need support during this holiday season to make it a special one for their children.

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