NYC volunteers pay tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. with Day of Service at Bronx middle school

Volunteers with the group City Year New York and community members painted murals of iconic figures in the school, including Dr. King and Brooklyn's very own Shirley Chisolm.

News 12 Staff

Jan 16, 2023, 6:28 PM

Updated 557 days ago


Monday was a day off for students but a Day of Service for volunteers who paid tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the Highbridge Green School in the Bronx.
Volunteers with the group City Year New York and community members painted murals of iconic figures in the school, including Dr. King and Brooklyn's very own Shirley Chisolm. Plus, they made a series of other murals filled with motivational quotes.
“They're going to come into school tomorrow and see the change and it's going to be able to uplift the community and the experience. When you see a school that is bright and vibrant, it changes the way you interact with the school,” says volunteer Cassandra Logedo.
This is the first in-person Day of Service for the organization in three years due to the pandemic.
Volunteers also organized some essential rooms in the building, including the library.
Volunteer Avi Fischer Wachsperss says this task was extra special because a key to a well-rounded education is having an inviting school and an organized place to read.
"It's really rewarding volunteering on Martin Luther King Day. I think the biggest thing that stands out is the sense of community. I'm so often in a school building but being here and seeing 600 people come out when they didn't have to really means something,” he says.
Local families and children who were not a part of an organization also joined in the service day.
Many volunteers say they take part just to see children smile, knowing that the community cares about them.
"I think a lot about the school that I serve at. I know that the kids appreciate knowing that other people outside of the immediate school system care about them, which is why service is so important,” says volunteer Graitchell Gutierrez.
City Year New York plans to do more acts of kindness throughout the year at different locations in the Bronx.

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