Easy got his first dose of adrenaline when his brother and cousin made him ride the train and convinced him to try it out – that was when he was 14 years old.
“When people in my class started to come up to me and tell me that they saw my name on the train, I realized I wanted to do more,” he said.
Soon enough, Easy would start bombing all over New York City. “Bombing” means just picking a random spot and writing your name all over it.
“I started to get addicted. I don’t even know how to explain it, but I loved the feeling. My goal was to bomb every corner of every borough,” he said.
His days of carrying a backpack full of spray cans and spending all day bombing around the city are over. Almost 35 years later, he says he still likes to remain exclusive.
“For me, I like people to see my name and wonder how I look. I want my art to speak,” he said.
Easy is now focusing on art shows and says he’s working on creating art that speaks true to the challenges our world is facing.