A man from Germany is making the trip of a lifetime on two wheels.
Pat Schilf says he has traveled the last five months on a bike to see his wife at their home in Canada. He says he started this challenge with full support from his wife.
"My wife is from Canada and I'm from Berlin," Schilf says. "And now we want to live in Canada, for at least a while. She's there waiting for me."
Schilf says he biked through Germany, making several stops and meeting people along the way. He says he then got on a ship with his bike and continued his journey in New York.
Schilf made it through Manhattan and by Monday evening, he arrived in the Bronx near Concrete Plant Park.
The bike-rider carries a Go-Pro and a camera to document his journey.
Schlif says he's slept at hostels or camped with people he's met along the way.