Hunts Point teens call for better park access

A Hunts Point teen group is calling on the MTA to permanently extend the BX 6 bus line to provide easier access to Barretto Point Park. Hunts Point residents say there?s no transportation that allows

News 12 Staff

Apr 21, 2008, 7:43 PM

Updated 6,029 days ago


A Hunts Point teen group is calling on the MTA to permanently extend the BX 6 bus line to provide easier access to Barretto Point Park.
Hunts Point residents say there?s no transportation that allows the community to enjoy the waterfront park. Teen group A.C.T.I.O.N. is trying to change that with support from community leaders and city Councilwoman Maria Del Carmen Arroyo.
?There [are] two brand new parks in the community and no way to get there,? says A.C.T.I.O.N. President Tatianna Echevarria. ?What?s the point of the parks being here??
The teens also say the fact that the park is located between two sewage plants is another reason residents aren?t using it.
?It?s bad enough you can go into residential areas and smell it from far away,? says Echevarria. ?Imagine in the summer time when it?s really hot outside and you smell these odors from right next door.?
Teen activists say they hope the MTA will extend transportation to the area by June, when Barretto Point Park is expected to be home to the first ever public pool in Hunts Point.