Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday announced heating improvements for New York City Housing Authority complexes ahead of winter.
A mobile boiler was put in place at the Melrose Houses in the Bronx. It's one of several mobile boilers in place for the upcoming winter months.
Melrose Houses tenants say they already had issues with their heat on Wednesday, but it's since come back on.
"Over half of NYCHA developments had the heat out for over a day at some point," de Blasio said, referencing last year's problems.
There's a new plan in place that includes new leadership, equipment like entire boiler systems at some complexes, additional technicians, outside contractors to help manage heat and a new phone system to notify tenants when the heat returns after an outage.
But de Blasio admits there's still more work to do.
"There is going to be a long journey to getting our public housing buildings to the place they should be," he said.
A full list of improvements coming to dozens of complexes can be found