local catering hall in Morris Park was filled with neighbors up in arms against
a housing complex in the Jacobi Hospital campus.
housing complex is set to house former Riker’s Island inmates with critical
health issues.
meeting, which was set up by the Morris Park Association, had local residents enraged about the
possible development. Community Board 11 and Councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez were in attendance to listen to the people's complaints.
Health + Hospitals provided the following statement: "NYC Health +
Hospitals has long recognized that stable, affordable housing is critical to
the health and well-being of every New Yorker. We are excited to help
provide some of our most medically fragile patients the opportunity to receive
dignified housing and high-quality services on the NYC Health +
Hospitals/Jacobi campus through the Just Home project."
project still requires City Council approval, and if approved, construction
would not start for another three years.