New statistics from the NYPD show that overall crime in New York City has decreased in 2015.
NYC saw a decrease of 2,461 major crimes, but homicides are projected to increase by 5.8 percent this year compared to 2014.
"We're a city of 8.5 million people with 300 some-odd homicides this year," said NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton.
Bratton chose to tout the positive Wednesday, with the homicide arrest rate at 67 percent.
"Shootings, we had a great month. It's the best historical November, down by nine," said NYPD department chief James O'Neill. "Eighty shootings this year vs. 89 shootings last year."
Rape crime is up 4.3 percent city-wide and 10 percent in the Bronx this year.
Subway crime is still a problem, with 2015 averaging 6.7 crimes each day, many of them property theft.
Chief of Transit Joseph Fox says 50 percent of the crime victims on subways don't know they are victims until after the fact.