Residents and community leaders in Morris Park say they want the city to keep an eye on speeding drivers by installing cameras in their neighborhood.
The intersection of Morris Park Avenue and White Plains Road is just one location where the Morris Park Association wants a speed camera installed due to multiple complaints about speeding cars.
According to the city Department of Transportation, 85 percent of injuries and deaths involving struck pedestrians occur where speed cameras are not installed.
Morris Park community officials submitted a plan to the DOT to install speed cameras on Morris Park Avenue from Williamsbridge to White Plains roads. Residents say they sometimes see cars going at 60 mph, especially at night, to avoid the red light.
If the proposed plan passes, cameras are expected to be installed in locations where children frequently cross to get to school and playgrounds.
A DOT spokesperson tells News 12 that the department has received a request and has installed cameras in the area in the past, but is looking into installing speed cameras in the future.