Sen. Charles Schumer was in the Bronx Friday calling on Amtrak to reach an agreement with the MTA to make the West Side access plan a reality.
The deal would create direct access to Penn Station from East and South Bronx communities.
"Amtrak has to be more flexible," says Schumer. "Amtrak has to not delay. Amtrak has to step up to the plate."
For years Bronx residents have been hearing about the plan that seems to be forever stuck in the infant stage. The reason is because in order for Metro-North to expand, it needed the East River Tunnel reconstruction. That's already in the works. Most important Amtrak lines are needed, but it's not budging on the access fees.
"This project is basically a no brainer," says Schumer. "You don't have to build new tracks, the tunnel is being built anyway you are just using existing lines in a new way.
The senator says he's been talking with Amtrak to bring down the fees.