The first day of school is fast approaching, but some teachers are not happy with the city’s plans and now there’s talks of a possible strike.
The United Federation of Teachers says if negotiations don’t go well and an agreement isn’t reached today, they may authorize a strike vote.
Public employee strikes are illegal, but the UFT’s president Michael Mulgrew says they are determined to do whatever is necessary to protect the students and families.
When asked about a possible strike Monday, Mayor Bill de Blasio said he had spoken with union leaders and that talks of a strike were not on the table.
"We will know shortly whether over the next couple of days we will have a major war with the city of New York or if we can get to the hard work of preparing out schools to open in a way that is safe,” says Mulgrew.
The meeting to determine if a strike vote will be authorized is scheduled for 3:30 p.m.