Wife of murdered cabbie gives birth

Months after a Bronx livery cab driver was killed, his wife has given birth to a baby girl. Kadiatu Jalloh gave birth to the eight-pound girl at Mount Sinai Hospital on Saturday. In September, her

News 12 Staff

Dec 7, 2015, 7:49 AM

Updated 3,154 days ago


Months after a Bronx livery cab driver was killed, his wife has given birth to a baby girl.
Kadiatu Jalloh gave birth to the eight-pound girl at Mount Sinai Hospital on Saturday.
In September, her husband Mamadou Barry was shot and killed while driving his cab late at night by a passenger, who police say ran away from the scene.
Jalloh's sister-in-law, Mariam Barry, says her brother was everything to the family, and that seeing the new baby girl is bittersweet.
"We were waiting for a long time, we are happy to see the baby, but it's kind of sad," she says.
Police identified the killer as Nicholas Sanchez. Sanchez pleaded not guilty to second- degree murder in October.
Jalloh says she hopes the suspect gets what he deserves, but with a new child she says she's grateful that her family is by her side.
Jalloh says she doesn't have a name for the baby just yet. She says that in her culture, it's customary to wait seven days after giving birth before choosing a name.

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