In response to the Yankees' decision to ban all print-at-home tickets from the stadium, including from the ticket broker StubHub, Chief Operating Officer Lonn Trost said fans who normally pay for pricier seats shouldn't have to sit with people who don't typically sit there.
Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. responded to the comment by saying that, "without the everyday, working class fans who make up the vast majority of their fan base, the New York Yankees would not be the successful franchise they are today."
He added that the Yankee organization should not be making it more difficult and more expensive for their fans to occasionally enjoy a ball game in the Bronx.
Yankees President Randy Levine said that he got together with the president of StubHub on Wednesday. He said it was a good and productive meeting.
There is no word on whether the team will re-consider its relationship with the ticket broker.