A middle school teacher in the Bronx accused of groping a 14-year-old female student last month has said he would surrender to police.
Officials say the incident happened on April 21, inside M.S. 219 on Third Avenue in Claremont.
The mother of the teen allegedly read a passage in her daughter's diary that revealed the male teacher had inappropriately touched her at school before going to police, according to reports.
The victim's mother, who wished not to show her face on camera, recounted the incident to News 12.
"He (the teacher) put the shades down inside the classroom. He had my daughter sit in his lap and then he told her she was beautiful and different from the rest of the girls in the class before he put her hair back and began kissing her neck," she says.
The teacher works as a math tutor at the school, and the incident reportedly happened inside of the classroom while the two were alone on a Saturday.
The Department of Education could not immediately be reached for a response.