Bronx woman hosts lesbian pride barbecue

A Bronx woman and her fiance celebrated the Supreme Court's landmark ruling on gay marriage on Sunday by hosting a barbecue for the local lesbian community. Organizer Madlyn Vidal says she hopes it's

News 12 Staff

Jun 29, 2015, 2:47 AM

Updated 3,315 days ago


A Bronx woman and her fiance celebrated the Supreme Court's landmark ruling on gay marriage on Sunday by hosting a barbecue for the local lesbian community.
Organizer Madlyn Vidal says she hopes it's the first of many such events. Vidal says her community has lacked "a safe haven where women my age could go and sit together and dance together, or just have a good time."
Maria Pacheco, who attended Sunday's event, says it's important to "celebrate pride and all the fighting that we did to get our rights."
Pacheco added, "It doesn't matter if it's man with man, women with women or man and women. We all love equally."

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