A Brooklyn native and hip-hop pioneer is sharing his story on how he survived colon cancer to help raise awareness and save lives.
Kangol Kid, of East Flatbush, got his cancer diagnosis on Feb. 3. Kid says he was experiencing symptoms that he thought might just go away. He says he noticed blood when he went to the bathroom and it just kept getting worse.
After being screened, doctors at NYC Health and Hospitals Lincoln found a tumor. Doctors successfully removed the tumor on Feb. 23.
The hip-hop pioneer received tons of support from fans and friends in the music industry.
"As a Black man, I'm hollering at my Black men out there - OK if you don't do it for yourself, do it for your family," says Kid. "When that engine check light comes on, somethings wrong, go take care of it."
The American Cancer Society says Black Americans are about 20% more likely to get colorectal cancer and about 40% more likely to die from it.
Kid hopes his experience will help prevent others from being in his same position or worse.