Home health aide forms tight bond with family

A Bronx family invited their home health aide to a Christmas Eve celebration this year. Ana Cruz says she wanted to show Yeeimy Sambula, of VNSNY CHOICE, how much she appreciated the job she does taking

News 12 Staff

Dec 25, 2015, 2:47 AM

Updated 3,136 days ago


A Bronx family invited their home health aide to a Christmas Eve celebration this year.
Ana Cruz says she wanted to show Yeeimy Sambula, of VNSNY CHOICE, how much she appreciated the job she does taking care of her mother.
Cruz baked Sambula some homemade cookies, and a cheerful Sambula shared some with Cruz's mother, Felicita Paris.
Sambula spends nine hours a day with Paris, who has been bedridden for years after having three heart attacks. She also has Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

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