New York City Public Advocate Letitia James on Tuesday released her watchlist for the city's worst landlords for 2017.
In the Bronx, 1892 Morris Ave. in the Mount Hope section is ranked as the borough's worst building. Its landlord, Rawle Isaacs, is ranked at No. 2 on the list.
Isaacs, who owns a total of four buildings, has 969 Housing Preservation and Development violations, according to the list. The 1892 Morris Ave. building averaged 485 HPD violations in the past year and also received 23 Department of Buildings violations.
Community members say a list calling out the city's landlords accused of neglecting tenants is great, but what they really want is to see changes, and James says she is pushing for that.
"It's simple -- clean up your act," she says. "The other message is this: We're empowering tenants. We're organizing tenants. We're getting organizations together to empower tenants to take matters into their own hands."
Isaacs has already started cleaning up his act, knocking down open violations at 1892 Morris Ave. from more than 600 to 219.
"We are in the process of obtaining financing from our partner, HPD, for rehabilitation of the building," Isaacs said in a statement. "Our mission is to provide decent and safe housing to our tenants."
Rounding out the top five of the worst Bronx buildings are 1807 Phelan Place, 1541 Westchester Ave., 3550 Holland Ave. and 2356 Lorillard Place.
Check out the full list