Relatives of Ramarley Graham, an unarmed teen fatally shot by police in 2012, delivered a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio Tuesday demanding the officers involved be punished.
They also rallied outside the New York Police Department's 47th Precinct and then the Department of Justice building, marking the fourth anniversary of his death.
Graham's father says it's been more than a year since the family has been in touch with the Department of Justice and federal prosecutors.
Police officers chased Graham into his apartment on Feb. 2, 2012 after a suspected drug deal and fatally shot him in the bathroom in front of his grandmother and younger brother.
At the time, News 12 reported that police found the unarmed Graham in possession of a small amount of marijuana. After a judge threw out the manslaughter indictment of NYPD Officer Richard Haste in connection with the slaying on a technicality, a grand jury declined to indict him a second time.
The letter to the mayor demanded that Haste and other officers involved in the incident be fired.
In a response to the Graham family's letter, the mayor's office called his death "a tragedy" and noted the mayor's attempts to improve police-community relations with body cameras, officer retraining and new use-of-force guidelines.
Supporters planned to continue the protest by sleeping outside the DOJ building.
The family and the city already reached a $4 million wrongful-death settlement.