A Soundview landlord says the Postal Service has been mistreating mail sent to him and his tenants.
Rubel Ali, the landlord at 1748 Gleason Ave., says the issues have been happening on and off since 2016.
They include letters going to the wrong mailbox or even being left on the floor, and checks and parcels going undelivered.
Ali says he's brought his concerns to the local post office to no avail.
"I've been going to the post office and it's useless," he says. "I've been calling the 1-800 number, and they said they'll look into it."
The best he could do, he says, was to put up signs that ask for the mail carrier to put everything where it's supposed to go.
"Sometimes she walks away when she sees that sign I put up," he says. "Please, just put the mail properly inside the box."