Former Ulster County medevac pilot arrested for child porn, unlawful surveillance

David Muhlhauser, 41, who is formerly from the Town of Gardner, and currently lives in New Jersey, is accused of downloading multiple videos depicting explicit content involving children.

Blaise Gomez

May 22, 2023, 11:16 AM

Updated 518 days ago


A former Ulster County medevac pilot is facing 20 felony charges after county and federal authorities say he was found with child pornography, secretly videotaped nearly two dozen victims, and had a ghost gun.
David Muhlhauser, 41, who is formerly from the Town of Gardner, and currently lives in New Jersey, is accused of downloading multiple videos depicting explicit content involving children.
The Ulster County Sheriff's Office, which conducted an investigation along with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, says Muhlhauser was employed as a pilot with Life Net. 
They say a search of his residence found a hidden camera disguised as a smoke detector that he allegedly used to film a total of 21 victims at two separate locations in Ulster County in a bathroom at his residence and place of employment in the Town of Shawangunk.
Police say all 21 victims illegally surveilled were adults. 
Muhlhauser was also allegedly found with a 9 mm firearm with no serial number, commonly referred to as a ghost gun.
Muhlhauser was charged with 17 felony counts of unlawful surveillance, as well as the felonies of possessing a sexual performance by child and criminal possession of a firearm.
He was released on an appearance ticket.