A Marble Hill Houses tenant says a leak in her bedroom still hasn't been rectified by NYCHA after months.
The mother of two says she still sleeps in her living room on an air mattress with her son, with her daughter's crib right next to them.
Santana says she doesn't want her children coming in contact with whatever leaks from the ceiling in the bedroom.
The Housing Authority tells News 12 that a bricklayer performed repair work on the apartment on Sept. 27.
Santana added that someone from the management office came to check it out last week, but claims the woman told her that there was nothing that she could do unless it was leaking at that moment.
She says that now she also has to put out traps because she saw a mouse the other night, adding that she is embarrassed to have people over because of the situation.
NYCHA also tells News 12 that staff will visit the apartment Tuesday morning to address any other issues for the resident.