Sources: Man arrested for making advances toward teen near a school

News 12 is told he was following a 14-year-old girl by the Community School for Social Justice and Health Opportunities in Mott Haven.

News 12 Staff

May 25, 2021, 5:17 PM

Updated 1,201 days ago


Sources say a man in his 20s is in police custody for making advances toward a teenager in the Bronx Friday.
News 12 is told he was following a 14-year-old girl by the Community School for Social Justice and Health Opportunities in Mott Haven.
News 12 is told the man touched her thigh and tried to put his phone under her skirt to take photos.
The girl ran inside the school and alerted the school safety officer, who was able to track the man down at 151 Street and River Avenue, according to sources.
Viewer video shows the man's arrest.
"I was very surprised to hear this happened, but I'm heartened to know this young woman was able to find help when she needed it, and I'm proud our community here is the one that can be welcoming and safe and be there in her time of need," said Amos Margulies, an English teacher at one of the schools.
Some other teachers told News 12 they were not surprised to hear this type of incident occurred in the area. One teacher said her car was recently broken into outside the school.
Several security officers were seen walking out with students Friday afternoon and making sure they safely got on the buses.
The Department of Education released a statement, saying, "The safety of students and staff remain our first priority, and School Safety responded immediately to the situation, leading to the arrest of the suspect. School staff are providing support and counseling services.”
It is unclear if the girl attends the school.