Suffolk DA indicts Bohemia man for allegedly raping 2 teens, possessing child porn

A Suffolk County grand jury added additional charges against Brendan Sullivan, 20 of Bohemia. Sullivan was arrested last month and charged with two counts of rape, along with possessing child pornography, second-degree criminal sexual act, promoting a sexual performance by a child and several more charges.

News 12 Staff

Nov 5, 2020, 10:40 PM

Updated 1,446 days ago


A Suffolk man accused of raping two teens he met on Snapchat has been indicted on several charges, including possession child pornography and promoting a sexual performance by a child, the Suffolk district attorney says.
A Suffolk County grand jury added additional charges against Brendan Sullivan, 20 of Bohemia. Sullivan was arrested last month and charged with two counts of rape, along with possessing child pornography, second-degree criminal sexual act, promoting a sexual performance by a child and several more charges.
Prosecutors said Thursday that Sullivan lured the teens to interact with him by giving them vape pens. They also said that he raped another young girl while he was on supervised release from his first arrest on child porn charges.
The judge in his latest arraignment issued a $1 million bond.
Suffolk County District Attorney Tim Sini warned parents across Long Island to monitor their children's online behavior, adding that one of Sullivan's alleged victims was just 13 years old.
"This is a parent's worst nightmare. This individual used Snapchat, and a predatory way of communicating with his victims over Snapchat," says Sini. "Asking certain victims to send nude pictures of themselves, and then actually responding with nude pictures of himself."
Sullivan's attorney would only say that his client is innocent until proven guilty.
If found guilty on all of the charges, Sullivan faces up to 20 years in state prison.
Prosecutors have also expressed belief that Sullivan may have some more victims and are encouraging them to step forward.